Time Warp.
So it's been about two months since I've updated my blog. I don't know where the time went. Here's why I've been so busy: recordings!...
Summer leave productivity.
Well, I feel like I've been busy, but as I make modifications and give the final touches to my compositions, the more I realize I have to...
ASCAP and other stuff.
Hello, all. In recent news, I'm now registered with the American Society of Composers, Artists, and Publishers (ASCAP) as a publisher...
This is why I should update more frequently...
So here's what's been going on this last week: - changed my website design to a brighter, more inviting layout. And the reflect my...
Hiatus: Done!
Greetings, everyone! I know it has been quite a while since I've updated ANYTHING on any of my social media, but alas, I am back. And I...
Catchy title?
Hello. I have added a new section to my website; it is dedicated to all the equipment I use to compose and engineer music. The new page...
New website!
Crazy, after five years of having the same website layout, I finally redesigned it. Thanks to some cool pre-made layouts from...
While I have been busy with my new house, two dogs, and a new job, I've managed to write three new concert band pieces. They are still in...
New updates.
I have uploaded many new products for the Composition section of my website. Some good stuff. I will also be uploading new compositions...
Mixing Frenzy
So, in order to get as much content up on my website (finally), I've been mixing down my compositions, trying to get them to a decent...