I'm back!
So, here we are, many months after my last journal entry; much has gone on. Let me start at the beginning: So, February, I believe, was...
New Year Goodies
Well, folks, it's a new year, and with that come new goals, but first, let's recap some of the events of 2013: - graduated from the Naval...
Time Warp.
So it's been about two months since I've updated my blog. I don't know where the time went. Here's why I've been so busy: recordings!...
Some realizations.
It has been fun this last week having the Quantico Marine Corps Band Brass Quintet read down four of my compositions (another BIG shout...
Back to school. And more.
So in about a week, I'll find myself back in Norfolk for the Armed Forces/Navy School of Music for the third time. I'm excited, but it's...
Social media overhauls
I have been overhauling most of my social networking websites! This includes SoundCloud, Linked In, Behance, Score Exchange, Twitter, and...